Hi , I found an easy and simple way to Browse and download from market as a third-party device.
I just translate and arrange this
In response to the two other guides I decided to improve them and make them an easy and quick way to installation of any application from the collection of another manufacturer. I'm not here for the fun of change application ID and connect via USB. The guide (if no one is angry) I used some screenshots of the other instructions on this board go:
Download and install Fiddler:
And Folow:
1-Go to Tools -> Fiddler options -> Connections and select as below
2-Close and Run the program again.
3-Press start+r then enter: Ipconfig
to know what is your IP
4-Enter the WiFi settings on your phone and click on the active WiFi connection (same on you pc , not 3G)
Edit it and type in the IP read the above paragraph and the port number 8888
Then Save Settings
5-Open the store from you mobile.
6-From PC ,on Fiddler'a with the active window Press Ctrl + R ,(it will open the notebook), press Ctrl + F and paste:
The location shown in the screenshot paste the contents of the subsidiary as of the manufacturer to browse Market
Save changes to the file and close Notepad.
>>First is your phone manufacture and second is manufacture you want to use it's app.
7-Open store and search for the app you want , and once you opened the instal page , leave it and go to wifi setting page and remove the proxy configration , then go to app instal page and click install and have fun.
I just translate and arrange this
In response to the two other guides I decided to improve them and make them an easy and quick way to installation of any application from the collection of another manufacturer. I'm not here for the fun of change application ID and connect via USB. The guide (if no one is angry) I used some screenshots of the other instructions on this board go:
Download and install Fiddler:
1-Go to Tools -> Fiddler options -> Connections and select as below
2-Close and Run the program again.
3-Press start+r then enter: Ipconfig
to know what is your IP
4-Enter the WiFi settings on your phone and click on the active WiFi connection (same on you pc , not 3G)
Edit it and type in the IP read the above paragraph and the port number 8888
Then Save Settings
5-Open the store from you mobile.
6-From PC ,on Fiddler'a with the active window Press Ctrl + R ,(it will open the notebook), press Ctrl + F and paste:
OnBeforeRequest (oSession: Session) {
The location shown in the screenshot paste the contents of the subsidiary as of the manufacturer to browse Market
if (oSession.uriContains ("Nokia")) { oSession.url = oSession.url.Replace ("Nokia", "Samsung"); }
>>First is your phone manufacture and second is manufacture you want to use it's app.
7-Open store and search for the app you want , and once you opened the instal page , leave it and go to wifi setting page and remove the proxy configration , then go to app instal page and click install and have fun.
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