
Tuesday 7 January 2014

LinkVehicle Review: Make Money by Selling Links

Blogging is getting very famous among young age group and tons of Students are entering into the world of Blogging to make some extra bucks in addition to their pocket money. variety of Bloggers are making money with Google AdSense, Paid Posts and Affiliate Marketing too.
here are so many ways to make money online and one of them is by selling link. this method of making money online is easy and you can get decent income from it. there are quite a few websites though which publishers can sign up and find opportunities for making money from Links.
Linkvehicle LinkVehicle Review: Make Money by Selling Links
Image Credit: LinkVehicle
there’s a company called LinkVehicle which allows publishers to submit their blog to them and whenever there is a review sold for your website they will notify you via email.

How to Make Money with LinkVehicle ?

Link Vehicle have very simple process for accepting blogs all you need to do is to register a Blog with Google Page Rank 1 and above. the approval process takes 2-3 days and after approval your site will be listed for Paid Posting.

Linkvehicle Payment System

Whenever a link is sold on your Blog and it’s approved by their team you will receive the payment in your Account and you will be paid at 1st of every month. the minimum payment is $10 and if your A/c does not have reach the threshold then you’ll receive payment next month with following months earning. one more thing you should note LinkVehicle  takes 50% of your Income and the rest 50% is given to you. suppose a review is sold on your site for $70, then you’ll get only $35 in your account.


LinkVehicle is a very good source for making money, you don’t need to contact clients individually or bargain for price settlement. if you have a good blog with minimum PR 2 you’ll make around $70-80 per month easily.
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